• Each article submitted can be a 'report' of a research that has been done before or comes from the results of a book review. Articles containing at least material and order: 1) article titles in Indonesian and English; 2) the author's name, institution, and address to contact; 3) abstracts in Indonesian and English; 4) introduction; 5) methodology; 6) findings and studies of the findings obtained; 7) conclusions and or recommendations; 8) thank you (if necessary); and 9) literature. The article uses the standard scientific language, either in English or Indonesian.
  • The script is typed in one space, using the Arial font; size 11 inch; and using google doc program, maximum 15 pages, with A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm).
  • The title of the article is written in capital letters of the middle flat, using the font Arial size 12 pt bold. The title is arranged in 13 words in Indonesian and 10 words in English. The author's name is written under the title using the font Arial size 11 pt bold, while the author's title does not need to be listed, but must list the agency where the author works or conducts research, as well as the address to be contacted.
  • Abstract is the essence of the content of the article, so in the abstract must be clearly listed research background, research objectives, methodology and analysis, as well as final conclusions. Abstracts and keywords are written with a single space, the letters used are arial, letter size 10 pt and written italic or in Italic format and written in English and Indonesian.
  • Subtitles and articles use a two-column format with a distance between columns of 0.5 cm. Subtitles are written in capital letters using the font Arial size 11 pt bold with center format. The article is written in a left-right flat format, uses a first line of 1 cm, and uses an Arial font size 11 pt. The margin formats used are the top margin of 25.4 mm, the bottom margin of 25.4 mm, the right margin of 25.4 mm, and the left margin of 25.4 mm. Spaces used in spaces one with a two-column format.
  • The title of the table / image must be complete but should not be too long, a maximum of 13 words. The title of the table/picture must contain several elements, namely: type, location/ location, time dimensions, as well as details about units, regions, and other information. Write table/image headings in bold and large letters, with a center-aligned alignment. The table heading is placed above the table, while the Image Title is placed below the image. The distance between the table / picture with the previous paragraph and after is 1 space. The letters in the table/image are smaller at 10 pt. The source writing in the table/image using the same font size of 10 pt is placed below the table on the edge of the left border of the table, while for the image is placed below the image before the image title with the center alignment. The font type used remains the same as Arial.
  • For quotations, at the end of the quotation is numbered according to a footnote containing reference quotes (name, title, city, publisher, year and quoted page) • Formulas should be written as simply as possible to avoid typing errors. The font size in the formula is at least 10 pt. The definitions of notation and the units used in formulas are united in the list of notations. Notation list placed before library list .
  • The bibliography is written in single space using Arial fonts with a size of 10 pt. The distance between libraries is 1 space. If one title of the book is more than one line, then the second line and so on the writing goes into (indent) by 1 centimeter. Arrangement for one reference : Name. (Year). Title. Publishing City, Publisher.
  • Manuscript sent as many as one copy in the form of digital files with the format *.doc or *.docx
  • The manuscript has never been published by other print media.
  • Editors have the right to reject and edit the received manuscript. Manuscripts that do not meet the fixed criteria will be returned.