LINGUA EDUCATIA 2025-01-02T15:53:20+08:00 Fahmi Hidayat, M.Pd. [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Lingua Educatia</strong> Journal is a journal that publishes original papers and documents issues in English Education. It is published by the English Language Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.</p> <p><strong>Journal Information<br> &nbsp;1. Journal Title :&nbsp;</strong>LINGUA EDUCATIA <br> <strong>&nbsp;2. Initial :</strong> LEJ<br> <strong>&nbsp;3. Publication Frequency : </strong>4 Issues per year<br><strong>&nbsp;4.</strong> <strong>Print ISSN :&nbsp;</strong><a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-3958</a> <br><strong>&nbsp;5. Online ISSN :&nbsp;</strong>- <br><strong>&nbsp;6. DOI :&nbsp;</strong>- <br><strong>&nbsp;7.</strong> <strong>OAI Adress : </strong><a title="LINGUA EDUCATIA OAI" href=""></a><br><strong>&nbsp;8.</strong> <strong><em>Editor i</em><em>n Chief</em> :</strong> Fahmi Hidayat, M.Pd.<br><strong>&nbsp;9. Publisher :</strong>&nbsp;English Education Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin.</p> <p><strong>Secretariat: English Education Study Program FKIP ULM Banjarmasin</strong><br><strong>Brigadier General H. Hasan Basri street, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan</strong><br><strong>Postal Code: 70123 Tel/Fax. (0511) 330 4914</strong></p> <p><strong>Email: [email protected]</strong></p> UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ METHODOLOGY IN TRANSLATING ENGLISH ANALYTICAL TEXT INTO INDONESIAN 2025-01-02T15:53:17+08:00 Elisa Aulina [email protected] Fatchul Mu’in [email protected] Nasrullah Nasrullah [email protected] <p>This study is carried out for figuring the translation method which is commonly utilized by the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Banjarmasin Batch 2017 within translation course. By implementing descriptive qualitative study, the analyst attempted for identifying the phenomenon within the real field. The chosen study subjects are 6 ELESP students that were elected from all ELESP students of batch 2017 in ULM. A specially designed test was distributed as well as conducted for acquiring pivotal data. There are five translation methods employed by the 6 study subjects, who are also English for Young Learners (EYL) students of A1 Class. The study was resulted on discoveries which consisted of data description which covering the translation methods identification along with classification implemented by the study subjects on the translation task completion. After the vital data was acquired, the data is described based on the translation methods classification. Based upon the acquired data, the utilized methods are word-for-word, literal, faithful, adaptation, along with communicative translation. The occurred translation methods were based upon the Newmark’s V Diagram method.</p> 2024-12-09T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TENTH-GRADERS WRITING MASTERY ON COMPOSING NARRATIVE TEXT AT SMAN 1 BANJARMASIN 2025-01-02T15:53:18+08:00 Arifudin Muhammad [email protected] Noor Eka Chandra [email protected] Nor Jannah [email protected] <p>Writing is one among four language mastery which must be possessed by EFL students. For sophomores, developing ones’ writing would not only capable of improving their grades, but also provide assistance with their professional futures. However, due to the complexity along with difficulty of acquiring writing mastery, the writing mastery acquirement requires an entirely diverse competence and fundamental set compared to other language skills. Based upon several previous study and the primary study which was carried out at SMAN 1 Banjarmasin during PPL II course, it was discovered that there still numerous students within SMAN 1 Banjarmasin who are less capable of composing narrative text due to various reasons. Hence, the analyst would like to investigate the SMAN 1 Banjarmasin tenth- graders’ capability in composing narrative text. For carrying out the study, descriptive quantitative approach was implemented at 54 tenth-graders of SMAN 1 Banjarmasin who were chosen through the implementation of cluster random sampling. For acquiring necessary data, a writing test item was distributed twice at different interval for same subjects. The study discovered that the average score was 82.21, it means that the tenth-graders of SMAN 1 Banjarmasin possess good writing mastery. For each writing aspect, originality and content fell into an excellent category, while the organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics fell into good category. In accordance with previous studies, it was also discovered that students still face difficulties in utilizing correct grammar, particularly regarding the utilization of past verbs in narrative text. Moreover, this study also discovered that out of six writing aspects, grammar possess the lowest mastery percentage. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should put more emphasis on grammatical aspect when teaching writing.</p> 2024-12-11T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## COHERENCE ON UNDERGRADUATE THESIS ABSTRACT WRITTEN BY ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS OF LAMBUNG MANGKURAT UNIVERSITY 2025-01-02T15:53:18+08:00 Muhamat Meygi Sapriawan [email protected] Noor Eka Chandra [email protected] Raisa Fadilla [email protected] <p>Coherence is one of the important aspects in academic writing. It affects the reader’s understanding about a text. Particularly in education, academic writing becomes the requirement for undergraduate students to claim their graduation by writing a thesis. Thesis has some important parts, one of them is a thesis abstract which delivers a brief summary about the whole thesis. Therefore, the students need to write the thesis abstract coherently to provide positive first impression and build the reader interest toward the thesis. However, many of the students are not aware to this demand. Based on the issue, this study aimed to reveal the coherence on undergraduate thesis abstract written by English Language Education Study Program students of Lambung Mangkurat University. This study applied descriptive qualitative approach. There were four abstracts from higher grade theses and four abstracts from lower grade theses analysed in this study that were selected by using purposive sampling. The analysis of coherence in this study was conducted by content analysis method based on the topical subject progressions applied in the abstracts. This study found that the coherence in the four abstracts of higher grade theses was consistent and the coherence in the four abstracts of lower grade theses was varied by the finding of two from four abstracts had failed to reach coherence. Based on the findings, it was suggested for the students to improve and build awareness in writing a coherent abstract for their thesis as a academic writing product.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTATION OF SELF-REGULATED LEARNING IN AN ADVANCED WRITING COURSE 2025-01-02T15:53:19+08:00 Achmad Yani [email protected] Cayandrawati Sutiono [email protected] Rizky Amelia [email protected] <p>Language learning strategy is commonly used in learning a second language and foreign language. It is intended to help develop students while learning a second language and foreign language. Self-regulated learning is one strategy that has been more controlled by the students to be developed because they can plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning by themselves. This research aims to determine how students' English language education programs implement self-regulated learning in an advanced writing course. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research within interview and documentation as the instrument of the study. In this research, the data source was the fourth-semester students in English language education study program at Lambung Mangkurat University. The findings show that the students implemented a self-regulated learning strategy in their writing: seven students did self-evaluation, twelve students organized and transformed, eight students set a goal and plan, fourteen students sought information, thirteen students kept records and monitor, twelve students structured their environment, three students did self-consequences, thirteen students rehearsed and memorized, ten students sought assistance from peers, teachers, adults, and fourteen students reviewed note, and text and multimedia/internet. It can be concluded that students implemented many strategies which used self-regulated learning strategy in writing: self-evaluation, organizing and transforming such as organizing ideas, and information, goal-setting and planning such as preparing the concepts, data, vocabulary, making a schedule, and prioritizing the list to do the tasks, seeking information, keeping record and monitor, environmental structurings such as setting a quiet and clean place and in a specific time like in the morning and night, self consequences such as buying gifts, hanging out with their friend and giving time to take a rest, rehearsing and memorizing, seek assistance from peers, teachers, adults and review note, text and multimedia/internet.</p> 2024-12-16T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## AN ANALYSIS OF COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE (MAXIMS) WITHIN THE DIALOGUES OF “WHEN ENGLISH RINGS A BELL” ENGLISH TEXTBOOK 2025-01-02T15:53:20+08:00 Fitriatun Hasanah [email protected] Yusuf Al Arief [email protected] Emma Rosana Febriyanti [email protected] <p>For attaining the conversation goal, the speakers are required for fulfilling the cooperative principle (Maxims) proposed by Grice, namely the maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, as well as manner. Therefore, learning maxims within dialogues is crucial to ease the students in attempting comprehension. Hence, due to its importance, this research aimed to discover the maxims types which are flouted within the dialogues of the English textbook “When English Rings a Bell,” particularly for the Eighth-Graders in Indonesia. The analyst utilized descriptive qualitative method for carrying out this study. Besides, documentation was also utilized for analysing the acquired data from the “When English Rings A Bell” English textbook for the Eighth-Graders. The analyt attempted to discover the varieties of maxims which are flouted within the dialogues of the English textbook. Based upon the data analysis, the result showcased that there are 66 dialogues (19,13%) containing maxim of quantity, 96 (27,83%) containing maxim of quality, 92 (26,66%) containing maxim of relevance, as well as 91 dialogues (26,38%) containing maxim of manner. Meanwhile, dialogues that encompass flouting maxim of quantity are 30 dialogues (76,92%), 0 dialogues (0%) involved flouting maxim of quality, four dialogues (10,26%) encompassed flouting maxim of relevance, and five dialogues (12,82%) contained flouting the maxim of manner. Thus, the most flouting maxim is quantity and zero for flouting the maxim of quality due to the importance of honesty for acquiring other people’s trust. Furthermore, the teachers are proposed for teaching these fundamental maxims to the students for upgrading and enhancing their speaking mastery which resulting in a good conversation.</p> 2024-12-18T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##