The Analysis Of Critical Thinking Skills On Bahasa Inggris 10th Grade Book Used In One of Senior High School at Banjarmasin

  • Marissa Rahayu Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Nanik Mariani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Jumariati Jumariati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Critical Thinking, CTS, analysis, HOTS


Critical Thinking Skills which contained HOTS and LOTS were introduced by Bloom in 1956. At that time, Bloom introduced the concept of critical thinking level that arranged from simple to the complex level that named as Taxonomy Bloom.This research was aimed to analyze the proportion of HOTS and LOTS of questions/ tasks/ exercises in the Bahasa Inggris 10th Grade book based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001). This research used descriptive quantitative as a method. Bahasa Inggris 10th Grade book was used as the source of data. In collecting data, the researcher used analysis guidance that the indicators were adopted from Anderson, Krathwohl, and Stobaugh. The result showed that the proportion of LOTS was 80.56%, and this answer was obtained from the combination of the proportion: 33.49% in C1, 39.243% in C2, and 7.83% in C3. Meanwhile, the proportion of HOTS was 19.83%, and the detail proportions of HOTS were: C4 was 9.61%, C5 was 5.4%, and C6 was 4.42%. Moreover

How to Cite
Rahayu, M., Mariani, N., & Jumariati, J. (2021). The Analysis Of Critical Thinking Skills On Bahasa Inggris 10th Grade Book Used In One of Senior High School at Banjarmasin. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 2(4), 314-327. Retrieved from