For attaining the conversation goal, the speakers are required for fulfilling the cooperative principle (Maxims) proposed by Grice, namely the maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, as well as manner. Therefore, learning maxims within dialogues is crucial to ease the students in attempting comprehension. Hence, due to its importance, this research aimed to discover the maxims types which are flouted within the dialogues of the English textbook “When English Rings a Bell,” particularly for the Eighth-Graders in Indonesia. The analyst utilized descriptive qualitative method for carrying out this study. Besides, documentation was also utilized for analysing the acquired data from the “When English Rings A Bell” English textbook for the Eighth-Graders. The analyt attempted to discover the varieties of maxims which are flouted within the dialogues of the English textbook. Based upon the data analysis, the result showcased that there are 66 dialogues (19,13%) containing maxim of quantity, 96 (27,83%) containing maxim of quality, 92 (26,66%) containing maxim of relevance, as well as 91 dialogues (26,38%) containing maxim of manner. Meanwhile, dialogues that encompass flouting maxim of quantity are 30 dialogues (76,92%), 0 dialogues (0%) involved flouting maxim of quality, four dialogues (10,26%) encompassed flouting maxim of relevance, and five dialogues (12,82%) contained flouting the maxim of manner. Thus, the most flouting maxim is quantity and zero for flouting the maxim of quality due to the importance of honesty for acquiring other people’s trust. Furthermore, the teachers are proposed for teaching these fundamental maxims to the students for upgrading and enhancing their speaking mastery which resulting in a good conversation.
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