Language learning strategy is commonly used in learning a second language and foreign language. It is intended to help develop students while learning a second language and foreign language. Self-regulated learning is one strategy that has been more controlled by the students to be developed because they can plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning by themselves. This research aims to determine how students' English language education programs implement self-regulated learning in an advanced writing course. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research within interview and documentation as the instrument of the study. In this research, the data source was the fourth-semester students in English language education study program at Lambung Mangkurat University. The findings show that the students implemented a self-regulated learning strategy in their writing: seven students did self-evaluation, twelve students organized and transformed, eight students set a goal and plan, fourteen students sought information, thirteen students kept records and monitor, twelve students structured their environment, three students did self-consequences, thirteen students rehearsed and memorized, ten students sought assistance from peers, teachers, adults, and fourteen students reviewed note, and text and multimedia/internet. It can be concluded that students implemented many strategies which used self-regulated learning strategy in writing: self-evaluation, organizing and transforming such as organizing ideas, and information, goal-setting and planning such as preparing the concepts, data, vocabulary, making a schedule, and prioritizing the list to do the tasks, seeking information, keeping record and monitor, environmental structurings such as setting a quiet and clean place and in a specific time like in the morning and night, self consequences such as buying gifts, hanging out with their friend and giving time to take a rest, rehearsing and memorizing, seek assistance from peers, teachers, adults and review note, text and multimedia/internet.
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