Writing is one among four language mastery which must be possessed by EFL students. For sophomores, developing ones’ writing would not only capable of improving their grades, but also provide assistance with their professional futures. However, due to the complexity along with difficulty of acquiring writing mastery, the writing mastery acquirement requires an entirely diverse competence and fundamental set compared to other language skills. Based upon several previous study and the primary study which was carried out at SMAN 1 Banjarmasin during PPL II course, it was discovered that there still numerous students within SMAN 1 Banjarmasin who are less capable of composing narrative text due to various reasons. Hence, the analyst would like to investigate the SMAN 1 Banjarmasin tenth- graders’ capability in composing narrative text. For carrying out the study, descriptive quantitative approach was implemented at 54 tenth-graders of SMAN 1 Banjarmasin who were chosen through the implementation of cluster random sampling. For acquiring necessary data, a writing test item was distributed twice at different interval for same subjects. The study discovered that the average score was 82.21, it means that the tenth-graders of SMAN 1 Banjarmasin possess good writing mastery. For each writing aspect, originality and content fell into an excellent category, while the organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics fell into good category. In accordance with previous studies, it was also discovered that students still face difficulties in utilizing correct grammar, particularly regarding the utilization of past verbs in narrative text. Moreover, this study also discovered that out of six writing aspects, grammar possess the lowest mastery percentage. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should put more emphasis on grammatical aspect when teaching writing.
Melly. (2006). All kinds of Writing (Writing description or Deskriptive Writing).
Muth’im, A. (2007). Developing writing skills. Banjarmasin: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
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