Guiding Question and Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text for EFL Students

  • Nia Arlianti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Abdul Muth’im Muth’im Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Emma Rosana Febriyanti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Guiding Question, Mind Mapping, Recount Text


This is an experimental research study for conducting two techniques in teaching writing recount text. As the experiences from the researcher, traditional or lecturing technique did not improve the students’ skill in writing, the researcher then decided to have two different techniques to the classes. Guiding question technique was given to the experimental group and mind mapping technique for the control class. After all steps were done, the result showed as class of experiment got proper score than control. It showed that mean score for class VIII C was 82.87 and for VIII A was 74.71. From the evidence above, the technique of guiding question was more effective than mind mapping which both of them have applied in the subject of classes. With a lot of hopes, for the researcher, English teachers, students and even other researchers, guiding question technique will be the alternative way to teach writing recount text.

How to Cite
Arlianti, N., Muth’im, A. M., & Febriyanti, E. (2019). Guiding Question and Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text for EFL Students. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 1(2), 151-157. Retrieved from