The Use Of Mind Mapping And Show Not Tell Technique In Writing Descriptive Text

  • Rizky Pratiwi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Abdul Muth’im Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Descriptive Text, Mind Mapping, Show Not Tell, Writing


This study aimed to discover whether there was any variance in the eight-graders writing descriptive text achievement between those who were taught by using the Mind Mapping Technique and Show Not Tell Technique (SNTT). This study took place at SMPN 13 Banjarmasin. The used method was a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design. The analyst picked VIII D as the experimental class taught using MMT and VIII C as the control class which was taught using SNTT, VIII D consisted of 27 students and VIII C 28 Students. The study outcome showcased that the subjects’ mean score in the experimental class was 58.07 in the pre-test and 77.55 in the post-test. Meanwhile, those who were in the control class acquired 58.42 in the pre-test and 62.21 in the post-test. The hypothesis testing discovered that the t-test value was 5.41 which was considered higher than the t-table (1.67). Hence, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was acknowledged. MMT has successfully affected students' writing capability in descriptive text. It is proposed for the teacher to implement MMT in teaching writing, particularly descriptive text rather than SNTT.

How to Cite
Pratiwi, R., & Muth’im, A. (2024). The Use Of Mind Mapping And Show Not Tell Technique In Writing Descriptive Text. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 5(4), 231 - 247. Retrieved from