Strategies for Developing Speaking Skill Operated by Undergraduates of English Language Education Study Program

  • Yulia Rosalina Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Abdul Muth’im Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Elvina Arapah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: speaking skill, learning strategy, speaking learning strategy


English is a world language with speaking being one among the essential competencies that the understudies ought to pick up based upon the Kompetensi Dasar (Competence-Based Curriculum) which obligated decent mastery to be molded suitably. This inquire studies apropos learning strategies the understudies operated, precisely within the third semester understudies of the English Language Education Study Program in Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The decisive evidence was amassed through survey. Hence, this study instigated descriptive qualitative examination, which safehouse decreasing evidence, exhibiting evidence, also drawing inference. The examination upshot showcased that whole strategies proposed by Oxford were functioned by the subjects, for instance memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, affective strategy, accompanied by social strategy. 

Keywords: speaking skill, learning strategy, speaking learning strategy

How to Cite
Rosalina, Y., Muth’im, A., & Arapah, E. (2024). Strategies for Developing Speaking Skill Operated by Undergraduates of English Language Education Study Program. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 5(1), 17 -28. Retrieved from