Analyzing Reading Comprehension Questions In Bahasa Inggris Textbook For The Tenth Grade Of Vocational Schools

  • Rabi’atul Adawiyah University Lambung Mangkurat
  • Cayandrawati Sutiono Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Yusuf Al Arief Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Textbook Analysis, Cognitive Level of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Reading Comprehension Questions.


It can be said that a classroom teaching and learning process is consisting of three main elements: the teacher, the pupil and the textbook that in this activity representing the curriculum used for the teaching and learning process. As mentioned previously, part of the curriculum ias a textbook, it means they become a guidance that provides the information and supplement the pupil’s mind with knowledges. A textbook should have an goal that relate as close as possible to the teacher’s goal, so does the educational aim which states by the curriculum. Thus in this case, an analyses and evaluation on textbook may become some kind of support for teachers in order to improve themselves and it also expected to give them help to gain some new useful insights into the base of materials used by them in the teaching and learning activity in the classroom. The researcher then chooses to do a textbook analyzation on textbooks used in vocational schools provided by Indonesia government. A descriptive content analysis method is used with describing the cognitive level of the reading comprehension questions found from the textbook as a target. The object of this research is 78 questions found on the textbook, with a checklist based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy frameworks used as the instrument to analyse them. It is found that all of the research objects belong to all the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Domain. It is found, however, the Lower-Order Thinking Skills questions are dominating than the Higher-order Thinking Skills questions are. Remembering level questions become the most prequently found and Applying level as the least one. According to these results, the researcher then would like to give some suggestions for the English teachers. One, facilitating the students with providing materials that promotes the cognitive levels equally and becoming the bridge to shorten the gap by providing unavailable questions that should be taught based on the Standard of Curriculum 2013 proposed by the government is some of the things that the teacher can do.

How to Cite
Adawiyah, R., Sutiono, C., & Arief, Y. (2024). Analyzing Reading Comprehension Questions In Bahasa Inggris Textbook For The Tenth Grade Of Vocational Schools. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 4(4), 210 - 221. Retrieved from