The Teaching Techniques Used by English Teachers in Teaching Speaking at Lbpp Lia Banjarmasin.

  • Sayyid Muthi Ramadhani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Cayandrawati Sutiono Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Emma Rosana Febriyanti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Teaching technique, Teaching speaking


According to some learners who have learned English in LBPP LIA, learning English in LBPP LIA was more enjoyable than learning English at their school. They also stated that English teachers in this English course had various teaching techniques that make them happy in learning English. This phenomenon inspired the researcher to conduct a study to investigate the teaching techniques used by the teachers, especially in teaching speaking. Hence, this study is intended to explore the teaching speaking techniques used and to describe how the teachers implemented teaching speaking techniques at LBPP LIA Banjarmasin. The researcher observed the teaching learning process and interviewed two teachers who taught Conversation 3 Class and Conversation 5Class. From the data that has been collected and discussed, it was concluded that the techniques used in teaching speaking were discussion, role play, brainstorming, storytelling, drilling, dialogue, interview, information gap, and games. It was also found that the teaching speaking techniques mainly used by both teachers were discussion, role play, brainstorming, and drilling. Moreover, the teachers usually implemented the techniques at the beginning of the class in order to engage the students, during the class especially while completing the task given, and when the students start to show boredom. In addition, before implementing a teaching technique, the teachers considered several things, such as class situation, topic, time allocation, and students’ ability.Finally, it is suggestedthat the implementation of teaching techniques that provide more opportunities for the students to speak English is essential for the students’ improvement. There are several techniques that can be considered, such as role play, brainstorming, picture describing, interviews, and many other activities. Diagnosing the problems faced by the students who have difficulties in expressing themselves in English is also suggested in order to help the students improve their speaking ability.

How to Cite
Ramadhani, S., Sutiono, C., & Febriyanti, E. (2024). The Teaching Techniques Used by English Teachers in Teaching Speaking at Lbpp Lia Banjarmasin. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 4(2), 81 - 92. Retrieved from