EDUCATIA2024-11-12T18:12:03+08:00Fahmi Hidayat, Journal Systems<p><strong>Lingua Educatia</strong> Journal is a journal that publishes original papers and documents issues in English Education. It is published by the English Language Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.</p> <p><strong>Journal Information<br> 1. Journal Title : </strong>LINGUA EDUCATIA <br> <strong> 2. Initial :</strong> LEJ<br> <strong> 3. Publication Frequency : </strong>4 Issues per year<br><strong> 4.</strong> <strong>Print ISSN : </strong><a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-3958</a> <br><strong> 5. Online ISSN : </strong>- <br><strong> 6. DOI : </strong>- <br><strong> 7.</strong> <strong>OAI Adress : </strong><a title="LINGUA EDUCATIA OAI" href=""></a><br><strong> 8.</strong> <strong><em>Editor i</em><em>n Chief</em> :</strong> Fahmi Hidayat, M.Pd.<br><strong> 9. Publisher :</strong> English Education Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin.</p> <p><strong>Secretariat: English Education Study Program FKIP ULM Banjarmasin</strong><br><strong>Brigadier General H. Hasan Basri street, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan</strong><br><strong>Postal Code: 70123 Tel/Fax. (0511) 330 4914</strong></p> <p><strong>Email:</strong></p> OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUE IN TRAVEL SECTION OF FLIGHT MAGAZINE COLOURS2024-11-12T18:12:01+08:00Faila Tataswarifailatari10@gmail.comAbdul Muth’<p><u>This research</u> focus to determine and reported the analysis of translation techniques in shifting information on the magazine. The researcher focuses on all bilingual passages on the travel section of the magazine. The data are taken from an inflight magazine entitled <em>Colours </em>in February 2020 edition, which is published by PT. Garuda Indonesia Airlines. The translation technique recommended by Molina and Albir (2002) is the main theory used for the research. This research categorized as descriptive qualitative research. The data was gained by reading the magazine, identifying the data, classifying the technique, analyzing the data, and made a conclusion from the data. The results delivered that 14 translation techniques exposed in the data. The translation technique specifically as literal translation, borrowing, compensation, established equivalent, reduction, linguistic amplification, generalization, particularization, adaptation, discursive creation, linguistic compression, calque, modulation, and amplification. The translator necessary to add more explanation to make sure the readers acknowledge the information. Further research can be conducted with a more deep analysis through the translation technique in a flight magazine and other source data.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00##submission.copyrightStatement## STUDY OF FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION PROBLEMS IN ACADEMIC YEARS 2020/20212024-11-12T18:12:02+08:00Muhammad Adimuhammadadi.x@gmail.comNasrullah<p>Listening comprehension is essential in the learning process, especially for EFL students. However, the students still tend to have problems in listening comprehension that hinder their learning performance. Additionally, the students in the recent semester are studying from home with different situations and equipment than in the listening class. Furthermore, this research pointed to identify the fourth-semester students' listening comprehension problems and the factor causing them in the academic year 2020/2021. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The participant selected using purposive sampling. The participants are fourth-semester students consist of six students. The researcher collected data from questionnaires and interviews. The data were about the students' problem in listening comprehension and the factor causing it. Based on the result of this study, the students had four major problems in learning listening. The primary problem is unfamiliar words that the students encountered which slowed the students to think about the meaning of those words and missed the next part of the speech. They are also troubled with their memory because they may easily forget about the word that they just listened mainly in long- spoken text. The other problem is related to the rate of delivery, where the students are hard to keep up with the speaker if it is too fast. A variety of accents also troubled the students to understand the spoken text because they are not used to another accent than American. The main reason why the students have these problems are because of their lack of practice outside the listening class that makes them lack vocabulary, anxiety, and nervousness while doing the listening task that makes that hard to think and lose focus. Lastly poor-quality recording and noisy surrounding that disturb their listening concentration.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00##submission.copyrightStatement## CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK BAHASA INGGRIS SMA/MA/SMK/MAK KELAS X2024-11-12T18:12:02+08:00Baiti Yulianti<p>Textbook is an important component in teaching learning process. A good textbook helps to achieve purpose of learning. There are some criteria for being a good textbook. The writer decided to use ten criteria of a good textbook from Greene and Petty (1971). The writer interested to analyze a textbook entitled “BahasaInggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X”. The research used content analysis method. The object was an English textbook entitled “BahasaInggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X”. Writer used herself, rubric assessment, and documentation as instrument. In analyzing data, writer used descriptive explanation then interpreted it into numerical percentage form. The result showed 60% materials in a textbook “BahasaInggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X” fulfilled rubric assessment for ten criteria by Greene and Petty (1971). Based on research’s result, the writer categorized textbook “Bahasa Indonesia SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X” as “fair” because this textbook is lack of clear written content. In conclusion of research, the content of textbook was suitable to be used in teaching learning process. However, to overcome the deficiencies of textbook in aspect of clear written content, teachers have to find additional material from other books or any other sources. The material especially explanation and examples are needed in order to help students and teachers to fulfill the purpose of learning material.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DIFFICULTIES IN READING COMPREHENSION OF THE FIRST GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 11 BANJARMASIN2024-11-12T18:12:03+08:00Muhammad Hais<p>Reading comprehension is the readers’ ability to understand, evaluate, and utilize text to find information according to the readers’ purpose. When reading a text, students may find many factors contribute to the cause of students difficulties in comprehending text. . Some of these factors are language knowledge, learner’s background knowledge, motivation, lack of reading strategies, and reading process. This research aimed to describe the students' difficulties in reading comprehension at the first grade of SMAN 11 Banjarmasin. The research method used in this study is a descriptive design used in this research with a qualitative approach. The researcher took the research subjects from one class that was X MIPA 3 and one English teacher. This research used a questionnaire consisting of 16 items divided into five types of questions which were linguistic aspects, reading strategies, psychological factors, and external factors. The researcher used the questionnaire to confirm the interview. The findings revealed that the students face the difficulties of vocabulary, grammar, and making inferences. These difficulties were caused by some factors: lack of knowledge about strategies in reading, lack of practice in reading English texts, lack of practices to find main ideas, explanatory ideas, and relationships between ideas, as well as lack of practices to make inferences and references from reading texts. The other factors were the students did not want to bring a dictionary to school, lack of support and motivation from parents, inadequate learning facilities, and difficulty in adapting in class. Therefore, it is suggested to other researchers to conduct further studies to investigate deeply about the factors which affect students in reading comprehension and how to overcome the difficulties.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00##submission.copyrightStatement## LEVEL AND READING ACHIEVEMENT OF THE STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 BINUANG2024-11-12T18:12:03+08:00Muhammad Rendra<p>This study is about the vocabulary level and reading achievement of the students of SMA N 1 Binuang. English National Examination of senior high school in Indonesia only consists of reading and listening tests, and reading takes up 70% of the question items. Mustafa (2019) found that the reading test in the National Examination of senior high school in Indonesia consists of 3000-word level vocabulary. Therefore, this study aimed to find out the students’ vocabulary level and reading achievement and whether their results passed the threshold for reading and National Examination. The research used a descriptive design and quantitative approach. The subjects of this research were the eighth grade students of senior high school in SMA N 1 Binuang. To collect the data, the instruments used were vocabulary level test and reading test. The findings were (1) that the students’ vocabulary level was still far below the threshold to both reading skill by Nation or the threshold used in National Examination with the highest vocabulary level was 733-estimated word level; (2) the majority of the students’ reading achievement was more than 60 score, with the lowest reading score was 45 and the highest reading score was 80. Based on the findings, the students’ vocabulary level and reading achievement were related, students with low vocabulary level tend to achieve low score in reading achievement. To conclude, the result of this study shows that students’ vocabulary level were far below threshold to be considered mastering the vocabulary level and their reading achievement score were in average score. Generally, the students’ vocabulary level were below 1000-estimated word level and their reading achievement only fell into average. It is suggested to teachers using an effective teaching strategy and material according to students’ needs and their English levels. In this case focusing on the materials of 2000 word-level is necessary to increase students’ knowledge on vocabulary and more reading materials about finding references and implicit information. For other researchers, it is suggested to use a preliminary study to conduct further researches related to vocabulary level and other language skills.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00##submission.copyrightStatement##