Problems Faced by Eleventh-Grade Students in Reading Comprehension

  • Mia Tasmiyati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Jumariati Jumariati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Elvina Arapah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Reading comprehension, student’s problem



Reading is a language skill intended to be utilized in helping the user to comprehend written symbols, words, sentences, or paragraphs. This study was for discovering problems faced by the 11th graders of SMAN 7 Banjarmasin in reading comprehension, which the result could be utilized by either teachers or the school for planning appropriate future treatment. This study utilized quantitative, with a subject population is ten classes consisting of 395 students, and then 123 students were chosen by utilizing purposive sampling. The implemented instrument was a questionnaire. The study findings showcased that the study subjects’ problems in reading comprehension are comprehending the English texts, translating new vocabulary, and finding specific information from a text. Some factors are believed to be the cause, such as boring reading activities, low interest and motivation toward English as a subject, along with inappropriate reading strategies. Thus, students were suggested to motivate themselves along with to be more interested in reading English text to increase their reading comprehension skill level. It was required that the teacher implement peculiar activities to make students interested and motivated toward the educational process.

How to Cite
Tasmiyati, M., Jumariati, J., & Arapah, E. (2024). Problems Faced by Eleventh-Grade Students in Reading Comprehension. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 4(1), 17 - 26. Retrieved from